12x16 slim float wrap - $70 (sale price)
10x20 slip float composite - $70 (sale price)
Revised Version:

This revised version has one 16x20 and one 10x20 slim float wrap.. Price is $80 for the 16x20 and $70 for the 10x20. Total cost $150.
Option 2: $190

Room View of this arrangement. Colors changed to brown (instead of berguny on side images):

12x12 (x2) slim float wraps - $60each (sale price)
Option 2 - atlernate hanging: $190

12x12 (x2) slim float wraps - $60each (sale price)
Option 3: $170

10x10 (x2) slim float wraps - $50 each (sale price)
The reason I used 12x16 wraps is so that the final image (after the digital frame) will end up being 11x14 inches still.
Any of the colors in the backgrounds can be altered... color, design, etc. Please contact me if you want me to adjust anything. Thanks.
Two possible new alternatives:

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